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YesSoftware Forums -> CodeCharge Studio -> Wishes

 I wish for an intelligent HTML editor

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Posted: 11/13/2007, 12:56 PM

With each version of CCS, it seems to get farther off into the weeds
regarding how the html template is handled.
Now that I went from 3.1 to, I find this completely inexplicable

I added a 'radio' control
<!-- BEGIN CheckBoxList nature -->
<input type="radio" value="{Value}" name="{nature_Name}"
{Check}>{Description} <!-- END CheckBoxList nature --></li>

which CCS generates with the '</li>' mysteriously outside the checkbox
'block'. This is bad because each <li> should terminate with a </li>,
instead of a dangling </li> right before the </ul> or </ol>.

I moved the </li> ahead of the 'END' block marker and published the page,
getting the proper HTML generated in the page.

HOWEVER! Any other work I do to the page causes the HTML to be rewritten
like this:

<!-- BEGIN CheckBoxList nature -->
<li style="LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none"><input type="radio" value="{Value}"
name="{nature_Name}" {Check}>{Description} <!-- END CheckBoxList
nature --></li>

which is just a total mess. This is just completely insane behavior.

Add this to the fact the html editor cannot cleanly copy and paste
(everything gets slammed to the left margin), I can't flip between the
design panel and back to the html panel and still be positioned roughly at
the same point in the file, and the post-3.0 behavior where the undo buffers
get wiped clean when switching panels - and, well, you're startting to
really aggravate me.

I wish the IDE would improve instead of getting worse with each release.
Other tools can do it, so the 'it's a limitation of the Microsoft editor
component' and/or 'that behavior is by design' excuses really aren't
soothing my irritation.

(If you can't read the above html in-line in the forum, below is an encoded
version of this message:)

With each version of CCS, it seems to get farther off into the weeds
regarding how the html template is handled.
Now that I went from 3.1 to, I find this completely inexplicable

I added a 'radio' control
<!-- BEGIN CheckBoxList nature -->
<input type="radio" value="{Value}" name="{nature_Name}"
{Check}>{Description} <!-- END CheckBoxList nature --></li>

which CCS generates with the '</li>' mysteriously outside the checkbox
'block'. This is bad because each <li> should terminate with a
</li>, instead of a dangling </li> right before the </ul>
or </ol>.

I moved the </li> ahead of the 'END' block marker and published the
page, getting the proper HTML generated in the page.

HOWEVER! Any other work I do to the page causes the HTML to be rewritten
like this:

<!-- BEGIN CheckBoxList nature -->
<li style="LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none"><input type="radio"
value="{Value}" name="{nature_Name}" {Check}>{Description} <!-- END
CheckBoxList nature --></li>

which is just a total mess. This is just completely insane behavior.

Add this to the fact the html editor cannot cleanly copy and paste
(everything gets slammed to the left margin), I can't flip between the
design panel and back to the html panel and still be positioned roughly at
the same point in the file, and the post-3.0 behavior where the undo buffers
get wiped clean when switching panels - and, well, you're startting to
really aggravate me.

I wish the IDE would improve instead of getting worse with each release.
Other tools can do it, so the 'it's a limitation of the Microsoft editor
component' and/or 'that behavior is by design' excuses really aren't
soothing my irritation.


Posts: 583
Posted: 11/13/2007, 2:22 PM

I have noticed two of the issues Don identifies that drive me nuts!

1) you cannot rely on CCS to open source view with your cursor where it was in design view (and vice-versa)

2) when you paste anything it loses its indents

These are very serious workflow issues that should be resolved in a new release such as 4.0.
Walter are dearly missed.
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