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Posts: 21
Posted: 02/02/2007, 1:14 PM

It does seem the Survey can be really hard task.

Not an easy thing to make a solution. For example - if you have to make survey with different input types (multiple choice - single answer - radio, checkboxes, essay, ....) means your database tables can be quite complex.

Also - after input, the data has to be inserted into those database tables from forms.

Administration can be really complicated.

Anybody tried to do a project with minimum code, maximum codecharge automatic features?

Well, it seems not so complicated, isn't it?

I am sure many programmers would say that it's an easy task.

For example:

testdesc (description)

IDtest (foreign key for IDtest from tbl_tests)
IDquestiontype (foreign key forIDquestiontype from tbl_questiontypes

questiontype (1. multiple choice single answer, 2. multiple choice multiple answers)

IDquestion (foreign key for ID question from tbl_questions)

IDtest (foreign key for IDtest from tbl_tests

IDsurvey (foreign_key for IDsurvey from tbl_surveys)
IDquestion (filtered on IDsurvey)
result (one number for MCSA, few numbers for MCMA)

This example even does not have tbl_users (survey attendant fills name, lastname in tbl_surveys table).

Any question may have any number of possible answers.
Any survey may have any number of questions.

The main problem is:
When Survey Form is made, it must have something like this:


Firstname: ____________________
Lastname: ____________________

1. I'll spend my hollidays (one answer - radio buttons):
O California
O Colorado
O Alaska
O Hawaii
O Florida

2. I like sports (multiple answers - check boxes):
X Skiing
X Swimming
X Jogging
X Hiking
X Snowboarding


O Radio Buttons
X Checkboxes

This means:

Not an easy task to have radiobuttons and checkboxes binding directly to table datasource, it has to be written after SUBMIT button is pressed, means it has to be in arrea.

When SUBMIT button is pressed data from area has to be written in table:
For example, attendant did choose Hawaii (27) from the first and Skiing (34) and Snowboarding (38) from the second question (in parenthesis I put IDanswer from tbl_answers), that means in table tbl_results must be two new rows, for example


The challenge is the Survey Form!
It must save the input data and insert two rows.

CCS cannot do that automatically.

Have to say again, that I am trying to do that in ASP.NET, VB.

As you know - PHP has serialize() and unserialize() that can do the perfect work if the radio buttons or checkboxes results would be saved in arrays (I am using PHP.... for a years, not always, but often).

Unfortunately, VB is .... different.

That forced the different approach, but I still think it can be solved thru (similar to what you wrote) dynamic labels (from database tables) and - for the last column of the table - dynamic radio buttons and checkboxes groups, type based on mentioned IDtype.

To make form variables of mentioned radio buttons and checkboxes, which results would be easily inserted thru loop of sql insert commands - seems to be the good solution.

There would be two pages:
First: choose survey;
Second: choose answers.

Complete survey (questions and answers for one survey) would be on one single page.
At the bottom - Submit button, of course, which will trigger insert into database -
insert into tbl_surveys (new IDsurvey, firstname, lastname, datetime, then
insert into tbl_results based on tbl_surveys IDsurvey all checked rows.

The main problem would be the (last) column of radio buttons, checkboxes, how to put them into the table, to look nice, and how to transfer checked items to database.

Seems to be easy, but .... In IT books (I have few names in mind, but do not want to advertise), on developers forums, there's a lot of static examples, with fixed number of one type of questions (mostly 4 radio buttons). Many of them even do not support more than one question and four radio button answers only.

Anybody has solution?
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Posts: 1679
Posted: 02/06/2007, 6:35 AM

This thread is continued here:

Origin: NL, T:GMT+1 (Forumtime +9)
CCS3/4.01.006 PhP, MySQL .Net/InMotion(Vista/XP, XAMPP)

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