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 Custom Code Help Needed BAD!!!!

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Posts: 45
Posted: 08/30/2004, 5:52 PM

Using: and SQL

:-( I am trying to accomplish the following:

I have a record form and my user selects a value from a Listbox which is connected to my Reason Code table. The bound field is RRID and the text field is Reason_Code. Each reason code has a type, which is also indicated in the Reason code table.

The reason code table has the following fields:
RRID (int, unique)
Reason_Code (text)
RC_Type (int)

In the table that the record form is connected to, there is a field called Processing_Status (int). When a user selects a certain reason code, I would like for the Processing_Status to automatically be set to a certain value.

For example:
If Reason_Code 1 is selected, then the Processing_Status should be set to 3.

Problem 1: The user has to select the reason code but the database code needs to find the RC_Type that corresponds to the reason code selected.

Problem 2: The database code then needs to set the value of the Processing_Status field.

Here is what I have tried that is not working (

This is in the Before_Show event of the Processing_Status hidden field:

'Control Processing_Status_Code Event BeforeShow. Action Custom Code @82-73254650
If L_FSE_Processing_tblReason_Code.Value is "2" Then
L_FSE_Processing_tblProcessing_Status_Code.Value = 2
Else If L_FSE_Processing_tblReason_Code.Value is "3" Then
L_FSE_Processing_tblProcessing_Status_Code.Value = 4
End If
'End Control Processing_Status_Code Event BeforeShow. Action Custom Code

Keep in mind that the above method does not take into account having the code find the RC_Type based on the reason code that was selected.

Any help will be appreciated. I have tried to be very detailed above but if more information is needed I can provide it.

Shawn :-)
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