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YesSoftware Forums -> Archive -> CodeCharge.Discussion

 Date Filter

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Posted: 05/21/2001, 2:42 PM

How does one go about filtering the record set with a date entered on a
search form? I am using the ASP template and Oracle 8i.

Dante S.

Posted: 05/21/2001, 4:47 PM

Let's assume that your search form contains start_date and end_date.
In the Input section of the grid, add input criteria by selecting the date
field from your database, enter "start_date" as the variable name, and
select Operation ">=".
Then add one more input criteria by selecting the same date field from your
database and enter "end_date" as the variable name, and select Operation

"DS" <> wrote in message
> How does one go about filtering the record set with a date entered on a
> search form? I am using the ASP template and Oracle 8i.
> Thanks,
> Dante S.


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