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 CC PHP3/4 & MySQL assistance

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Michael Weaver
Posted: 02/08/2001, 7:58 AM

So far I really enjoy CodeCharge. I've been able to generate the provided
examples on my computer while running PWS and using ASP. The problem is that
whenever I try to generate the code as PHP3 and Templates and use a MySQL
database on my local Apache server (ver 1.3.12) I get script errors.

The one I'm getting is: Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined
function preg_match() in ./template.php3 on line 187

That line, of course, is: if(preg_match("/^[\w\_][\w\_]*$/",$value))

If I generate it in PHP4 and templates, I get the following error: Parse
error: parse error in ./template.php on line 52

That line is: if($BTag === false)

My connection string is: Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security
Info=False;User ID=root;Mode=Read|Write;Extended

As you can see, I even changed the user ID to root for the time being so I
could figure it out. I obviously didn't. I know that I screwed something up,
probably when I set up MySQL ... can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong?
Do you need more info.


michael weaver

Alexey Alexapolsky
Posted: 02/08/2001, 8:30 AM

Hello Michael,

Mainly , it's all about PHP versions ,

> database on my local Apache server (ver 1.3.12) I get script errors.
> The one I'm getting is: Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined
> function preg_match() in ./template.php3 on line 187
> That line, of course, is:

When you work with PHP3 without templates , it all should be OK.
And when you use PHP3 + templates you version must be PHP3 >= 3.0.9.

> If I generate it in PHP4 and templates, I get the following error: Parse
> error: parse error in ./template.php on line 52
> That line is: if($BTag === false)

As to support of === operation , you must have PHP 4.0b3 or newer:
Please let me know if your database connection is working.

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