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 Inserting/updating 2 tables from one record form (php/mysql) the right way?

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Jean-François ROY
Posted: 04/07/2003, 1:06 PM

Hi all,

There has to be a way to do this?

All I need to do is insert the data from a record form into 2 tables;
t_products & t_suppliers.

Also is it possible to populate the field from t_article -> related to the
same field in t_supplier by selecting an already existing supplier or if new
supllier then auto_increment the id_supplier in both tables field
t_products.id_supplier & t_supplier.id_supplier?

t_products t_supplier
----------- ----------
id_supplier 8----1 id_supplier (many products, one supplier)

and use a dynamically populated listbox for the field id_supplier with the
existing suppliers?

I use CCS 2.0.5

Thank you,


Posted: 04/12/2003, 2:02 AM

Hi Jean-Francois,

the way I see it is that you make two forms with the same information. If
you only want to display the info once, you use hidden fields for the second
You only use one button to submit the form, but instead of making it a
type="submit", you use a type="button".
Then you add an onClick event that calls a piece of script to send both
<form name="Form1">
<form name="Form2">
<input type="button" name="button" value="submit info"

In the header you put:
<script language="JavaScript">
function submitForms() {

Hope this helps,

best regards,


"Jean-François ROY" <> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> There has to be a way to do this?
> All I need to do is insert the data from a record form into 2 tables;
> t_products & t_suppliers.
> Also is it possible to populate the field from t_article -> related to the
> same field in t_supplier by selecting an already existing supplier or if
> supllier then auto_increment the id_supplier in both tables field
> t_products.id_supplier & t_supplier.id_supplier?
> t_products t_supplier
> ----------- ----------
> id_products
> id_supplier 8----1 id_supplier (many products, one supplier)
> and use a dynamically populated listbox for the field id_supplier with the
> existing suppliers?
> I use CCS 2.0.5
> Thank you,


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