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 DatePickers and creating new Wizards

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Posted: 09/25/2003, 7:54 PM

Hi. I'm starting to get into CCS and as a old ASP developer (Denali anyone?) from way back I decided to start to track through some of the workings on CCS.

One thing has me puzzled and the Datepicker is a perfect example here as it will lead into a couple of small projects

CCS will generate ASP code that one can then modify to give extra enhancements to. I am trying to find within CCS the actual code that will generate the date picker window.

I have 2 reasons for interest here - the first is to enhance the DatePicker to have a add/subtract # day/week/month so that a user can quickly add 35 days to an existing date

The second is to possibly create other pop ups like financial calculators. I think it would be too hard to embeded these into the CCS development, but one might beable to use the Datepicker hooks.

If anyone had tried some of the abocve I'd be interested to chat with them.

Contact me on

Many thanks

PS - CCS seems to be a brilliant product - looking forward to stretching its envelope and possibilites
Posted: 09/26/2003, 12:31 AM

I Found this link

Posted: 09/26/2003, 12:52 AM

The datepicker file is javascript and called DatePicker.js and will be included in your project directory.

To do popup pickers in IE I use javascript to open a modal dialogue with an <iframe src="My CCS generated page"> type of thing,

Tony M
Posted: 09/26/2003, 1:16 AM

An interesting comment of yours Dave
"...and creating new Wizards"
Sadly I do not have the create 'Wizards' BUT I have the money to buy them <bg>
For some strange appears that Bill Noble is the only user who has produced a Wizard/Builder/Extension for Studio
Download is WysiWyg Editor from
Are you aware of the following...

I wish you good fortune with's a great tool and well worth the money...The Studio support staff and their response times are also excellent.
Tony M
Posted: 09/26/2003, 6:37 PM

Thanks Guys
I'll have a look at those sites.

One of the strengths of an product is the users, esp if they are developers.

We can either be 'press and autocreate' developers, or those who like to stress the envelope of the tool and see how far we can make it go.

Codechage biggest strenghs is its ease of use, the ability to create cross platform apps quickly, and that the forums are full of people with interesting idea's and solutions.

If I can show my programming age here (Tugs white whiskers)

Look at Visual Basic. This was a development product that got a lot of boost from its users - who were developers. If there was a feature that was not there - we created it. And it enough people thoug it was a good idea - it was either made into an 3rd party product (VBX, OCX) or offered on a forum for others to use.

I can see the same happening here. As a developer from way back (25 years) I have used a lot of products, and written a lot of tools as well. Its in my nature to take apart a product to see how it works, and then see what else it can be done with it (Try stepping throught a CCS generated ASP project with VS. Its an eye opener)

We - as developers - also have styles that are common to their code. Some of these are little helpers for the end users like calendars, calculators, fast searches. They are what make our products stand out - both with usuability and smarts.
Others are like quick tools such as mini auto-generators or code profilers to do specific tasks (Like auto error traps and fix generators for VB code)

Recently in ASP v2 for a project I created my own session system that could work in a web-farm environment and had unlimited timeout or rememberence (Come pack to the site after loosing a connection and be dropped back a the page you left from), in memory cache for very fast look up and storage of Site common materials (HTML snippets, Static SQL result look ups), and a very pwerful Javascript client side processor with tool tips, error processing, and input validation.
A lot of this functionality has now been done in ASP.Net - but ASP.Net was not an option when I did the project.

So I am looking forward to seeing how much of this work I can integrate into CCS.

Will keep you posted.

Tony M
Posted: 09/27/2003, 6:47 AM

You sound very experienced and knowledgeable with ASP Dave

I posted the following question...a couple of weeks ago on this site...and didn't get any response :-((
How would you implement/configure this sort 'Function' in asp...for Studio

Tony M
I found the following code @
You can use GetString method of recordset object to convert recordset (SQL query) to csv file:
Dim RS, SQL, Conn
SQL = "Some query ...."
Set RS = Conn.Execute (SQL)

Dim F, Head
For Each F In RS.Fields
Head = Head & ", " & F.Name
Head = Mid(Head,3) & vbCrLf
Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
Response.Write Head
Response.Write RS.GetString(,,", ",vbCrLf,"")
I would appreciate knowing if anyone has managed to configure it for Studio/ASP
or used anything similar
Tony M
Posted: 09/28/2003, 12:31 AM

Hi Tony.

Can you drop me an email at djb AT Anubis-Systems.Com

I think I can help you but I'd like to get a bit more background on what you are trying to achieve and for what purpose.

If the CVS will be used to launch an Excel file then I have done that before.

Anyway - awaiting you email

Tony M
Posted: 09/28/2003, 3:06 PM

Thanks for responding Dave
All I want to do is...
Add a button to a "results grid" that will allow a user to save the displayed results as a .csv disk.
I'm using Studio...latest release/ASP/Access
Tony M
Posted: 09/29/2003, 4:12 PM

Hi Tony.

Sorry for not replying sooner. Been a bit busy here.

I have found something that may be of help to you.

Have a look at this site

It has the project as a downloadable link at the bottom.

It seems to do what you want - Takes the displayed recordset and exports it as a CSV file. I feel it is more robust than the ADO call that you have been trying to use. Somewhere I read about problems with it but I cannot recall the exact article.

I have tested it and it works very nicely. The key is their custom class containing the routines (scclasses.cls).

You can modify this to do things with Word or other applications that can be MIME enabled.

From my own experience the most important thing when exporting a file to a browser is to make sure that the file type is send first in the Meta section before anything else. Otherwise ASP get very confused and lots of strange errors pop up.

Good luck and lets hear the results.

Tony M
Posted: 10/01/2003, 7:43 AM

Thanks Dave
Sorry also for not replying sooner BUT I'm up to my armpits in crocodiles and the hourglass is racing like crazy...I'll give it a try @ the weekend.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone else who has used it.


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