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 Bug CCS5 - Internet Explorer

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Posts: 5
Posted: 01/20/2013, 4:45 AM

I develop a new site in CCS5 (PHP) on the model of one an existing site ( ccs4 ) and I meet a big problem
At the following address you will find the test of a web page which works correctly whatever is the used Web browser
In this page, 2 columns of the grid " Synth�se Etalons", "Nb Qualifi�s" and "M*H" appear with a blue font when the sorting is made on the column
As soon as I want to put as before a 3rd column with the following code

//End synt_etalons_TOTAL_PRODUITS_BeforeShow
//Custom Code @673-2A29BDB7
// -------------------------
$vartri = ccgetsession("lenomdutri","");
if ($synt_etalons->TOTAL_PRODUITS->GetValue() == "" ){
$libtri = "0"; }
$libtri = number_format ( $synt_etalons->TOTAL_PRODUITS->GetValue() , 0 , "," , " " ) ;
if ($vartri == "Sorter_TOTAL_PRODUITS" )
{$synt_etalons->TOTAL_PRODUITS->SetValue("<FONT COLOR=BLUE><B> ".$libtri."</font>");
{$synt_etalons->TOTAL_PRODUITS->SetValue("<FONT COLOR=BLACK> ".$libtri."</font>"); }
// -------------------------
//End Custom Code
Everything always works with Firefox and Chrome but with IE (8, 9, 10) the page does not display any more!!!

I just have even to put only the line of code for " before show " of the column " Total Produits"
vartri = ccgetsession (" lenomdutri ", " ");
So that there is a bug with IE

The web page which does not display with IE is

To confirm the bug I just made a conversion of my project CCS4 which works for several years in project CCS5
And I have exactly the same problem
The page displays with Firefox, Chrome but not with IE
We can verify it by going on the Web site
and by testing the address
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Posts: 220
Posted: 01/20/2013, 2:29 PM

That's so very weird. I don't know what can be a problem here, but I wouldn't be looking at CCS or IE, if I had encounter it.

What I can see when running the page in IE is that the server doesn't send a response, it is being stopped right away. This might mean that actually it's the web server issue - especially that other browsers have no issue here.

Also if you save your page to disc locally and the open it in IE it opens correctly, so there is no obvious html related issue here.

What I would do is to test manually passing some headers (even via telnet) to your webserver and see what is the response for that page first hand. I would expect no response or malformed response if you send Internet Explorer header. But that is just a guess.
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Posts: 5
Posted: 01/21/2013, 2:54 AM

I just forgot to say that what works
(old site or test with 2 columns with " "Dynamically Modifying HTML Output"
are on the same hosting, the same versions of Mysql and PHP , the same .htaccess !)
And in local (localhost with Wampserver) it is similar
OK with Firefox , Chrome and no display with IE
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Posts: 220
Posted: 01/21/2013, 4:34 AM

Ok, so most likely not direct web server issue :-)

BTW, the <FONT> tag is being dropped in HTML5, also you seem not to have the <B> closing tag displayed. For HTML validity I would use CSS styling here, instead of FONT and B. But I doubt this is the cause.

Next best guess for me is still something that is connected to IE headers that do something bad when request being processed on your server (might be something in this PHP code that causes crash in combination with IE headers, something that is done in CCS code behind the scenes).

I would try to pinpoint exact line in code that causes the issue. Then try to pinpoint the exact code piece in this line that is the cause.

If this doesn't give me the clue what is exactly the problem, I would try to get the same functionality, but in some other way that doesn't kill page display in IE - rewrite the code differently.
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Posts: 5
Posted: 01/21/2013, 5:04 AM

Problem is that my sites are on one mutualized hosting and thus I have no possibilities of search
And doubtless I would have superiority the sufficient knowledge

In mode " localhost " I tried with tools of debug but I found nothing!
If I think that it a problem in the generation CCS5 it is because
- My old site migrated to CCS4 to CCS5 does not work any more
- The problem already appears when I place only in it " custom code " of a 3rd column the line

$vartri = ccgetsession("lenomdutri","");

without the part HTML display

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Posts: 5
Posted: 01/21/2013, 8:52 AM

To locate better the bug I compared files generated by my application CCS4 which works and my application migrated in CCS5 who does not work
I did not note essential differences in files php and html
But as I noticed that the dysfunction arose by placing an instruction CCgetSession
I compared files common.php

Version CCS4
function CCGetSession($parameter_name, $default_value = "")
return isset($_SESSION[$parameter_name]) ? $_SESSION[$parameter_name] : $default_value;
//End CCGetSession

Version CCS5
function CCGetSession($parameter_name, $default_value = "")
$result = isset($_SESSION[$parameter_name]) ? $_SESSION[$parameter_name] : $default_value;
return $result;
//End CCGetSession

I thus tried to put in the common.php file generated in CCS5 for the function( CCGetsession the code of the version 4

And miracle everything works whatever is the Web browser !!!

But so by having a practice to by-pass this bug of CCS5 what is the risk incurred for other process!
I don't know !!!
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Posts: 1195
Posted: 01/21/2013, 9:22 AM

For some reason your Page is Creting to much Header (above 128K) header memory

what that UI.JS do?
could you Take that JS out for Test Pourpose?
____________________________ (Free CMS,CRM Developed in CCS)
Affiliation Web Site Templates

Please do backup first
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Posts: 5
Posted: 01/21/2013, 1:19 PM

I obtained from the support the following answer

The session_start() is the PHP5.x new feature and has been added to CCS5.
Please try setting PHP version to 4.x and regenerate the project.
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Posts: 220
Posted: 01/24/2013, 3:23 AM

Did it help?

I would be really surprised if this was the cause...
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Posts: 4
Posted: 01/31/2013, 6:22 AM

GLA, I have the same problem with IE and CCGetSession.

Thanks for the info - I have a client production site that has displayed this behaviour in IE - I have wasted days of my time trying to resolve. I had got to the point as you did where I worked out it was something to do with calls to CCGetGroupID() - so therefore CCGetSession - and had reported it to CCS Support but they haven't been able to help. They have escalated to developers.

I'll test your CCS4 v CCS5 suggestion and let you know what happens with my site.

Thanks again for the potential solution....

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Posted: 01/31/2013, 7:57 AM

Good job GLA. The new code in v5 is starting a session, retrieving a
value from that session (which wouldn't exist due the the session just
getting started), then closing that session. Bad code.

I would recommend retrieving session values the old fashioned way until
it's fixed - session_name("my_session_variable");

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